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183 faculty members of North South University release statement of solidarity

On August 3, 183 faculty members from North South University (NSU) released a statement expressing solidarity with the students, their families, and everyone affected by the unrest and violence that followed the quota reform protests.
The statement reads as follows:
We, the faculty members of North South University, are deeply shocked by the loss of lives, the indiscriminate arrests, and the serious bodily injury sustained by our students. Bolstered by Articles 32 and 39 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, we affirm our support to the students participating in the anti-discriminatory student movement. 
Our collective decision comes at a time when our despair has reached an astounding level, witnessing students being subjected to indiscriminate violence. Our heart still bleeds at the loss of our very own Abdullah Al Abir, taken from us amid the brutal crackdown, and we are still witnessing the continual oppression of students practicing their fundamental right to peaceful protest.
While we stand here primarily as educators, we are also citizens, parents to children grieving the loss of their dear friends, and kin to fellow academics from other institutions who share similar concerns. We echo the sentiments expressed by the students and demand justice. An environment of restraint can only be achieved through a fair trial for the innocent lives lost, the swift release of the students detained under malicious charges, and the constitutional rights of the citizens being upheld without prejudice.
This ongoing tragedy reminds us that alongside physical dangers, many of our students are mentally scarred. The healing can only come when they are back in their classrooms, productive and jovial, in a peaceful environment.  
We extend our unwavering solidarity to the students, their families, and everyone affected by recent events. We are hopeful that justice will prevail, stability will return, and we will once again meet our students in the classroom.
– End of statement
